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Trajecto is a scientific instrument intended to follow the flight of bats and determine their trajectories in real time. Currently, any construction of a road infrastructure, any change to a lighting system or even any installation of a new wind turbine requires an ecological impact study.

This consists, for example, in recording the diversity of species at the target location and in analyzing the passageways of diurnal and nocturnal animals. In this way the impact of the achievement will be measured and the authorization will be given or not.

Another example, bats are identified by their ultrasonic calls. The success rate does not, however, exceed 70-80% and even less for species that are little observed. The modulation of these calls depends on their flight status: in transit, hunting or capture. The addition of additional measurement parameters makes it possible to increase this rate. Knowing also that a bat flies more or less quickly also allows to know its area of action and therefore limit, for example, deforestation.

These examples show the usefulness of Trajecto as it had been used in the field in 2013 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in 2016 in French Guiana and in 2019 in Benin. In the Congo he helped to rediscover an endangered species: glauconycteris superba. It has also been used several times in different projects revolving around the ecology of bats: to study upstream the impact of a road deviation (Tacotac project) or the influence of the color of led lamps on the ecology of bats (Chirolum project).

Trajecto was developed by Ros Kiri Ing PhD assisted by Alexandre Hassanin PhD, respectively doctors in physics and biology, initially at the Langevin Institute, Paris, France. It has benefited from continuous development for almost ten years and has been tested several times in the field by uninitiated people. Trajecto is used with a computer with minimum system requirements (Trajecto V1 & V1 EVO). A second version (Trajecto V2) operates without a computer - data are stored in 32 Go SDHC Card - and will thus make it possible, with several stand-alone systems, to cover larger study areas. 

NEW features (june 2024): the Trajecto V2 system can now emulate the operation of the Trajecto V1 EVO system. In this case, it allows you to view in real time the bats' calls and their trajectories using a computer while recording the microphone signals. When the measurement conditions are deemed correct, you can then switch Trajecto V2 to stand-alone mode, disconnect the computer and temporarily leave the measurement site before returning later to retrieve the equipment.

NEW features (june 2024): Both Trajecto V1 EVO and Trajecto V2 systems can also operate as simple 4-channel simultaneous recorders. This new feature is offered because it allows the equipment to be used in the field when 3D localization is not sometimes required.

Multichannel recorder

The hardware development of new versions of Trajecto has also enabled the development of basic multichannel recorders (4 simultaneous channels - 16-bit resolution) high frequency (up to 344 kHz) at very low costs. Two versions are offered: the BR4 V1 EVO and the BR4 V2. The first device works with a computer and the second without (stand-alone multichannel recorder). They are both supplied with a set of 4 high frequency microphones and software for programming and recording (MenuO for BR4). As an option, an ultrasonic transmitter synchronized with the signals recorded by the microphones is also available on request (BR4 V1 EVO only). Furthermore, to broaden their uses for educational and research purposes, MATBLABTM  scripts are also provided with the BR4 V1 EVO. They allow, in a MATLABTM environment and thanks to the examples provided, to program the device for multichannel measurements with personalized real-time processing. Please contact us for information and quotes on BR4 devices.

Trajecto V1 

SUVA-TECH Trajecto is developed from the BATAK system which has been tested in real use conditions in various latitudes for almost 10 years ... Trajecto is a sophisticated, robust, sensitive and complete system. It is based on a Keysight TM brand low noise instrumentation class (500kHz / 16bit) acquisition card. It has 4 microphones based on the famous KNOWLES FG-23329 connected to low noise preamplifiers and 60dB of gain. One of the microphones is calibrated using a Bruel & Kjaer TM brand reference microphone. Ultrasonic transmitters built into the microphones are used to calibrate the system before use.

Using Trajecto is simple. All you have to do is to place the 4 microphones in a star configuration, to connect them to the central box, to sit in front of the computer and to start the Menuo program. Calibration is automatic. You just have to observe the trajectories of the bats that evolve above Trajecto.


Electronic Digital Recorder DR01 (based on KeysightTM U2542A) 

Number of input channels 4 simultaneous A/D converters

Resolution 16 bits

Maximum sampling rate per channel 500 kSa/s

Frequency response 1 – 250 kHz

FIFO buffer size Up to 8 MSa

Input range +/- 1.25 V

Input impedance 1 GΩ / 100pF

Output channel 2 simultaneous D/A converters

Resolution 12 bits

Maximum update rate 1 MSa/s

Output ranges +/- 10 V

Output impedance 0.1 Ω Typical

Power supply 4 Li-Po 18650  batteries (not included)

Microphones (based on FG 23329TM  Knowles ) 

3 x ME01 (with emitter) and 1 x M01 (without emitter)

or 3 x ME02 (with emitter) and 1 x M02 (without emitter) (NO MORE AVAILABLE)

Gain > 60 dB @ (20kHz - 200kHz)

Input sensitivity ~500 mV/Pa @ 40 kHz

Ultrasonic emitter MA40S (for ME01) or MA40H (for ME02) (NO MORE AVAILABLE)

Microphone supports 8 x 50 cm Inox or Dural sticks to plant of 10mm diameter + 4 tripods for the city or hard terrain

Analog input / output connectors Female JACK 3.5 mm

Cables 5 x 5 m shielded cables

Physical dimensions 250 x 185 x 32 mm2 (electronic main box DR01)

Weight 600 g (without batteries)

Housing Compact inox or aluminum enclosure

Softwares Menuo including : Trajecto calibration, Trajecto, Analyzeo, Visuo and Tools (bat calls are recorded in WAV format)

Computer interface USB 2.0

Physical USB connection B-type USB socket

PC minimum configuration Intel Core i3 processor at 1.8 GHz, running Windows 7 or later

User manual (french & english)

(Pack microphones ME01 / M01)

(Pack microphones ME02 / M02)

(no more available)

(pack TRAJECTO V1 with ME02 and M02)

Trajecto V1 EVO

TRAJECTO V1 EVO works identically to TRAJECTO V1. It uses new acquisition electronics developed by SUVA-TECH. Its performance is comparable to the TRAJECTO V1 for a lower cost.

Power is supplied by 2 x 9V batteries and the USB port.


Electronic Digital Recorder DR01E (developped by SUVA-TECH) 

Number of input channels 4 simultaneous A/D converters

Resolution 16 bits

Maximum sampling rate per channel 320 kSa/s

Frequency response 1 – 160 kHz

Input range +/- 1.25 V

Output channel 1 simultaneous D/A converter

Resolution 12 bits

Power supply 2 x 9 V batteries (not included)

Microphones (based on FG 23329TM  Knowles ) 

3 x ME01a1 (with emitter) and 1 x M01a1 (without emitter) (ABS enclosure)

Gain > 60 dB @ (20kHz - 160kHz)

Input sensitivity ~500 mV/Pa @ 40 kHz

Weight 30-35g (each)

Ultrasonic emitter 1 x E01 (MA40S4STM  Murata)  (ABS enclosure)

Physical dimensions 200x 75 x 26 mm2 (electronic main box DR01E)

Weight 170g (without batteries)

Housing ABS enclosure

Softwares Menuo for TrajectO V1 EVO including: Trajecto calibration, Trajecto, Analyzeo, Visuo and Tools (bat calls are recorded in WAV format)

(NEW, june 2024) (also included) Convert2CSV: Utility software to generate CSV files readable with any spreadsheet. (5) 

(NEW, june 2024) (also included) Menuo for BR4 V1 EVO: 4-channel simultaneous recorder with PC backup

Computer interface USB 2.0

Physical USB connection C-type USB socket

Computer minimum configuration Intel Core i5 processor at 1.8 GHz, running Windows 10 (21H2) or later. Tested on PC and MAC (with Intel processor and bootcamp) computers 

User manual (french & english)

$ 3290USD (DR01E, 3 x ME01a1, 1 x M01a1 and 1 x E01) (1)(2)(3)(4)


M01a1 (US microphone)

ME01a1 (US microphone & US emitter)

DR01E (electronic acquisition box)

Trajecto V2

TRAJECTO V2 is a system comparable to V1 and V1 EVO except that it can work without a computer. Data are stored on an SD card (up to 32 Go of data). Power is supplied by one 18650 LiPO battery and 2 x 9V batteries.

NEW features (june 2024): the TRAJECTO V2 system can now emulate the operation of the TRAJECTO V1 EVO system. In this case, it allows you to view in real time the bats' calls and their trajectories using a computer while recording the microphone signals. When the measurement conditions are deemed correct, you can then switch TRAJECTO V2 to stand-alone mode, disconnect the computer and temporarily leave the measurement site before returning later to retrieve the equipment.


Electronic Digital Recorder DR02 (developped by SUVA-TECH) 

Number of input channels 4 simultaneous A/D converters

Resolution 16 bits

Maximum sampling rate per channel 320 kSa/s

Frequency response 1 – 160 kHz

Input range +/- 1.25 V

Output channel 1 simultaneous D/A converter

Resolution 12 bits

Power supply 1 x Li-Po 18650  batteries (not included)

2 x 9 V batteries (not included)

Microphones (based on FG 23329TM  Knowles ) 

3 x ME01a1 (with emitter) and 1 x M01a1 (without emitter) (ABS enclosure)

Gain > 60 dB @ (20kHz - 160kHz)

Input sensitivity ~500 mV/Pa @ 40 kHz

Weight 30-35g (each)

Ultrasonic emitter 1 x E01 (MA40S4STM  Murata)  (ABS enclosure)

Physical dimensions 200x 105 x 33 mm2 (electronic main box DR02)

Weight 250g (without batteries)

Housing ABS enclosure

Softwares Menuo for TrajectO V2 including: Trajecto calibration & WAVfile generation, Trajecto, Analyzeo, Visuo and Tools (bat calls are recorded in WAV format)

(NEW, june 2024) (also included) Menuo for TrajectO V1 EVO including: Trajecto calibration, Trajecto, Analyzeo, Visuo and Tools

(bat calls are recorded in WAV format)

(NEW, june 2024) (also included) Convert2CSV: Utility software to generate CSV files readable with any spreadsheet. (5) 

(NEW, june 2024) (also included) Menuo for BR4 V1 EVO: 4-channel simultaneous recorder with PC backup. 

(NEW, june 2024) (also included) Menuo for BR4 V2: 4-channel simultaneous recorder working in standalone mode (backup on SDCARD)

Computer interface USB 2.0

Physical USB connection C-type USB socket

Computer minimum configuration Intel Core i5 processor at 1.8 GHz, running Windows 10 (21H2) or later. Tested on PC and MAC (with Intel processor and bootcamp) computers

User manual (french & english)

$ 3790USD (DR02, 3 x ME01a1, 1 x M01a1, 1 x E01 and 1 x SD card ) (1)(2)(3)(4)


(pack TRAJECTO V2)


ANGULO is a compact antenna* which deploys very quickly making the use of the TRAJECTO system even easier. Due to its limited size it is mainly used for measuring bat flows to identify flight corridors and flight directions. However, it has a good 3D positioning accuracy for distances up to 10m** although it is able to identify calls up to a distance of about 30m** thanks to its sensitive microphones. ANGULO is therefore also a good tool for trajectory measurements in forest undergrowth.

ANGULO deploys like an umbrella and replaces the microphone set of the TRAJECTO system. On site, it can be set up very quickly, and then simply connected to the DR01 electronics of the TRAJECTO system.

*ANGULO is a compact antenna and requires the TRAJECTO system to operate ** this distance depends on the acoustic intensity level of the bat call at the microphones

Microphones (based on FG 23329TM  Knowles ) 

Gain > 60 dB @ (20kHz - 200kHz)

Input sensitivity ~500 mV/Pa @ 40 kHz

Ultrasonic emitter MA40S 

System support Tripod support of 1m height in inox or aluminum

Analog input / output connectors Female JACK 3.5 mm

Cables 3 m shielded cables

Please contact us for specific information

(1) Discount for universities and public research laboratories

(2) Delivery time upon receipt of the order form: ~ 1 month

(3) 50% deposit on order and 50% upon receipt of invoice - only for institutions and private companies

(4) Indicative price as of June 14th, 2024.

(5) The data generated are the x, y and z positions of the bats as well as their estimation errors, frequency data, call durations, energies, etc.